Health Professionals

The Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) brings together 16 colleges and universities from the Canadian Francophonie that are located outside Quebec.

In addition to the funds invested by the provinces to support the training of health professionals, support from Health Canada allows CNFS member institutions to increase the number of front-line health professionals who can offer health services to Francophones living in minority communities.

Are you a healthcare professional who supervises students?

Here are some resources for you

Programme national CNFS de la supervision de stage – Reconnaissance et valorisation de l’engagement à l’égard de la formation de la relève


The success of students in health training programs targeted by the CNFS would not be possible without the contribution and commitment of internship supervisors.

This national CNFS internship supervision program was created to recognize the commitment and exceptional contribution of supervisors to training the next generation of health professionals.


The recognition aspect of this program is two-fold:

CNFS Honorary Distinction for Internship Supervision

CNFS member institutions select a supervisor who stood out by their commitment to supervising interns in each of their health training programs. These individuals are awarded the Distinction honorifique CNFS de la supervision de stage. This honorary distinction includes:

A certificate of recognition issued by the CNFS-ACUFC
The listing of one’s name on the Honor Roll
The participation in a virtual recognition and appreciation ceremony

Prix national CNFS de la supervision
de stage 

The award is presented to a supervisor who obtained an honorary distinction and demonstrated their exceptional contribution to the supervision of interns. This award includes:

A $1,000 scholarship for a continuing education or language improvement course offered by a CNFS member institution
An honorary certificate awarded by Health Canada
The listing of one’s name on the Honor Roll as the national winner
The participation in a virtual recognition and appreciation ceremony

Discover the winners of the Prix national CNFS de la supervision de stage.

Lauréate 2023

Listen to Allyson Cousineau Grant's testimony on the importance of the CNFS award for supervision.

Lauréate 2024

Read Samantha Wright's biography

Honor Roll

Discover the exceptional supervisors who made the Internship Supervision.

Active Offer at the CNFS

Active offer consists of offering health services in both official languages from the very first meeting. For Francophone minority communities, the active offer is a first step towards accessing health services in French.

Visit the CNFS Carrefour de l’offre active to learn more about the impact of language barriers and the importance of actively offering health services in both official languages." Consult the Carrefour de l’offre active

Active Offer during Internship


How do you encourage interns to actively offer health services in French?

Listen to Allyson Cousineau Grant, Speech-Language Pathologist and winner of the 2023 Prix national CNFS de la supervision de stage.