What is the CNFS?  

The CNFS contributes to increasing recruitment capacity and training support and facilitates the integration of graduates from CNFS-targeted health programs into CFSM. Its actions aim to improve access to equitable healthcare services in French-speaking minority communities (CFSM).

Members of the CNFS

The CNFS brings together 16 colleges and universities of the Canadian francophonie, located outside Quebec.

CNFS member establishments are represented by coordinators who are responsible for implementing CNFS activities in support of graduate recruitment, training and integration.


Discover CNFS members:

Partenaires régionaux


Le secrétariat national du CNFS collabore avec des partenaires dans les régions du Canada où aucun établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire n’offre de programmes en santé en français. Il s’agit des trois territoires canadiens. Ces partenaires contribuent à accroitre l’accès à des services de santé en français dans ces régions.

Découvrez les partenaires régionaux du CNFS :


The Carrefour de
l'offre active!

A matter of quality, safety, ethics and fairness

Our health

More than 100 health training courses in French

Listen to testimonies from CNFS students