
The Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) brings together 16 colleges and universities from the Canadian Francophonie that are located outside Quebec.

In addition to the funds invested by the provinces to support the training of health professionals, support from Health Canada allows CNFS member institutions to increase the number of front-line health professionals who can offer health services to Francophones living in minority communities.

Do you teach in a French-language health training program targeted by the CNFS?

Here are some resources for you

Teaching Active Offer

Active offer training is an important part of the health training programs targeted by the CNFS.

Active offer consists of offering health services in both official languages from the very first meeting. For members of Francophone minority communities, the active offer is a first step towards accessing health services in French.

Discover the resources available to you in the Carrefour de l'offre active to integrate active offer into your teaching.

Parcours du Carrefour de l'offre active



To better understand the context and challenges related to the purpose of active offer

To go one step further, how to do it at work and be a leader

Laws and regulations that impact health services in French

Working in a minority setting: challenges and best practices

Francophone minority communities : definition, description, and issues

Leadership: what if you were the leader of active offer?

Language, health, quality, and safety : language barriers and their impact on the quality of health care

The importance of communication in providing quality health services and ensuring user safety
Language discordance and the delivery of health services... when the user and the health professional do not speak the same language
The risks and benefits of using interpretation services


Pour aller plus loin, comment le faire au travail et être un leadeur

Working in a minority setting: challenges and best practices

Leadeurship : et si vous étiez leadeur de l'offre active?

Do you want to teach Active Offer?

Here are some resources for you